Sunday, February 4, 2018

Why didn't I name it the Brighton Loo Review?

Well, I did throw my hands up in disgust about 30 seconds after I secured the address at, but then a quick search on the Interwebs revealed I was not the only clever one out there. So I do still benefit from alliteration and underwear reference in the name.

Rate public toilets in and around Brighton and Hove, UK--not necessarily because anyone's making serious decisions based on what the bathroom is going to be like when they get there, but more because it's fun.

I often go into a nice bathroom and come out like, Wow, that was a four star bathroom!

This will be a combination points-based and descriptive rating system. Things are subject to change.

Here are the questions that I ask when I visit a bathroom:

As you can see, I made a really handy little survey for myself, which I can access and fill in from my phone. Suite!

I haven't worked out the point values yet, but they will be evident from my first post.

I look forward to rating many a fine bathroom here in Brighton.

Next up: Wahaca Women's Room

Pee you next time!

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